Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
If you think that your personal information has been improperly collected, used, or disclosed by a public institution, child and family service provider, or by a health sector organization or practitioner, you have the right to file a complaint with IPC office.
Ontario Labour Relations Board
The Ontario Labour Relations Board is an independent, adjudicative tribunal issuing decisions based upon the evidence presented and submissions made to it by the parties, and upon its interpretation and determination of the relevant legislation and jurisprudence. If you feel that you have not been fairly represented by your Union or Association, check out the Duty of Fair Representation Section.
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
If you believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment, you can file an application with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO). The HRTO resolves claims of discrimination and harassment brought under the Human Rights Code in a fair, just and timely way. The HRTO first offers parties the opportunity to settle the dispute through mediation. If the parties do not agree to mediation, or mediation does not resolve the application, the HRTO holds a hearing.
Ontario Education Ombudsman
The Ombudsman oversees all aspects of public education in Ontario, from daycare and early childhood education, through the primary and secondary school systems (including school boards and school authorities) to post-secondary education and training (including colleges and universities, and the Ontario Student Assistance Program – OSAP).
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
The Ombudsman oversees all aspects of public education in Ontario, from daycare and early childhood education, through the primary and secondary school systems (including school boards and school authorities) to post-secondary education and training (including colleges and universities, and the Ontario Student Assistance Program – OSAP).